world map showing zambia

Monze Education Fund

and Guide to Monze

Monze Basic School

Monze Education Fund

school pupil

The MEF (Monze Education Fund) and its supporters are helping Monze Basic School and its pupils with much needed financial and material support.

It hopes to improve the conditions they have to study in and contribute towards providing academic and other essentials needed for disadvantaged pupils attending the school.

The MEF also supports the promotion of agricultural based self-sufficiency programmes at the school and a bursary for pupils who go on to study agriculture at a vocational level.

How you can help


We need your help ...
to sponsor orphaned pupils and to contribute to the refurbishment of classrooms, workshop and toilet blocks.You can help to make a BIG difference.

How to help if you are ...

An individual
A business or an employee
A school, teacher or student
An Association

How to help if...

You wish to sponsor a pupil
You wish to make a donation

Latest News

school pupil

Welcome to phase one of our brand new website which provides information about the Monze Education Fund, the area of Monze and some of the town's history.

Please keep returning to see what new information and features we have added. The website will be updated four times a year with progress reports on the projects being carried out in Monze and any other new developments.



Guide to Monze


Find out more about this fascinating place. Monze is special to the people who live there.

It also has a special place in the memories of people who previously lived there, either to work or grow up in.

Places of interest

History of Monze

Colonel Harding

The present Chief Monze is descended from a long line dating back to the 17th Century.

The site of Fort Monze is classified as a National Monument of Zambia.

Also the well known Scottish missionary,doctor and explorer David Livingstone stayed briefly as a guest of Chief Monze in December 1855.

Contact Us

Our administration & operations are undertaken by volunteers.

Main Email:

Donation Enquiries:

Help MEF:

Tel: + 44 (0) 1279 652766
Fax: + 44 (0) 1279 658020

Site updated 31st December 2007   Copyright©Monze Education Fund 2007
Design by goldstarwebdesign